IT Infrastructure Manager

Basic & Useful Linux Commands


list file & directory

ls -a : Shows every files and directories including hidden ones
ls -l : Shows verbose informations (Date, Permissions etc)


  • Compresses multiple files or directories
  • In tar, you can use 3 different compression method : tar, tar.gz, bzip2

  • Compress into tar.gz file

      tar -cfvz [Filename].tar.gz [location]/
  • Decompress the tar.gz file into local directory

      tar -xfvz [tar.gz_filename].tar.gz
  • Decompress the tar.gz file into specific directory

      tar -xfvz [tar.gz_filename] -C [directory_location]
  • head command shows the first 10 line of the file
  • Can be used with cat command
 # Shows first 10 lines of the file
head [filename]

# Specifies line number you want to see
head -n*[line number]* [filename] 

# Use head command with cat command
cat [filename] | head -n******[line numbers]******


  • just like head command, tail shows 10 lines of the file but in opposite way
  • It shows the last 10 lines of the file
  • Can be used for tracking log files with -f option
# Show last 10 lines of the file
tail [filename]

# Keep tracking the file which one is keep written 
tail -f [filename]


  • Gets current datetime
  • You can choose specific format to show date
  • You can get previous, post date with -d (—date) option
# Get today's date in YYYY-MM-DD format
date "+%Y-%m-%d"

# Get the yesterday's date in YYYY-MM-DD format
date -d '1 day ago' "+%Y-%m-%d"
# or else
date -d 'yesterday' "+%Y-%m-%d"
# Get the date of 2 months ago in YYYY-MM-DD format
date -d '2 months ago' "+%Y-%m-%d"

# Get the date of last Sunday in YYYY-MM-DD format
date -d 'last sunday' "+%Y-%m-%d"

# Get the tomorrow's date in YYYY-MM-DD format
date -d 'tomorrow' "+%Y-%m-%d"

# Get the date after 3 years later in YYYY-MM-DD format
date -d '3 years' "+%Y-%m-%d"