IT Infrastructure Manager

SNMP service for Zabbix

If you want to monitor device using with SNMP service, you need to open both inbound and outbound network port UDP 161 and 162.

Besides you need to open ICMP port for both in and outbound port to proceed PING check.

  • Checking connection between device and Zabbix server.
snmpwalk -v 2c -c zabbix <IP>
  • Making list for device’s snmp
snmpwalk -v 2c -c zabbix <IP> > snmpwalkList.log
  • Checking SNMP trap status
snmpwalk -v 2c -c zabbix <IP> ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable
IF-MIB::ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable.1 = INTEGER: enabled(1)
IF-MIB::ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable.2 = INTEGER: enabled(1)
IF-MIB::ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable.3 = INTEGER: enabled(1)
IF-MIB::ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable.4 = INTEGER: enabled(1)
IF-MIB::ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable.5 = INTEGER: enabled(1)
IF-MIB::ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable.6 = INTEGER: enabled(1)
IF-MIB::ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable.7 = INTEGER: enabled(1)
IF-MIB::ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable.8 = INTEGER: enabled(1)
IF-MIB::ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable.9 = INTEGER: enabled(1)
IF-MIB::ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable.10 = INTEGER: enabled(1)
IF-MIB::ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable.11 = INTEGER: enabled(1)
IF-MIB::ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable.12 = INTEGER: enabled(1)
IF-MIB::ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable.13 = INTEGER: enabled(1)
IF-MIB::ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable.14 = INTEGER: enabled(1)
IF-MIB::ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable.15 = INTEGER: enabled(1)
IF-MIB::ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable.16 = INTEGER: enabled(1)
IF-MIB::ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable.17 = INTEGER: enabled(1)
IF-MIB::ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable.18 = INTEGER: enabled(1)
IF-MIB::ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable.19 = INTEGER: enabled(1)
IF-MIB::ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable.20 = INTEGER: enabled(1)
IF-MIB::ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable.21 = INTEGER: enabled(1)
IF-MIB::ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable.22 = INTEGER: enabled(1)
IF-MIB::ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable.23 = INTEGER: enabled(1)
IF-MIB::ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable.24 = INTEGER: enabled(1)
IF-MIB::ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable.25 = INTEGER: enabled(1)
snmpget -v2c -c zabbix -On <IP> IF-MIB::ifOperStatus.1
. = INTEGER: down(2)
snmpget -v2c -c zabbix -On <IP> IF-MIB::ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable.1
. = INTEGER: enabled(1)

Configuring SNMP for Cisco network devices and create new host at Zabbix server